Individual Therapy
“Wherever you are now is not where you are stuck.”
Can you relate?
The Helper
Everything to Everyone
Helpers tend to find themselves stretched thin.
Juggling their own daily demands and working to ensure their families, friends, and coworkers are okay can leave helpers exhausted. They find themselves saying “of course I can fit that in” and are often known for going above and beyond.
The Rock
Always Holding it Together
Rocks tend to carry their worries silently.
Holding it together for the people around them, these people find themselves secretly stressed while the people who know them best may even assume they are okay. They find themselves being strong for others and are often known for their steady responses in the midst of stressful situations.
Still, we all have limits…
When limits are reached, it is common to react in ways we later regret:
withdrawing, pushing others away
impatience or frustration with loved ones
irritability or struggling with anger management
When past our limits, we can find ourselves:
stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious
depressed, unmotivated
even feeling totally cut off from life
Because we are human, we all reach our limits sometimes and need some support…
If you would like to work together,
You don’t have to handle this alone.